The value of proper secretarial support services can never be underestimated in any office environment. Secretaries ensure that schedules stay clear, that information gets where it needs to go and that customers are directed to the people best able to meet their needs.
Fifty years ago, that basically meant answering the phones and keeping a spot-on calendar. But new technologies have transformed the office space of the 21st century, and secretarial support has shifted to meet those needs.
Among the duties of secretaries in a modern office space are:
- Fax machine and Internet support
- Package preparation
- Keeping tabs on virtual office space for telecommuters and employees on business trips
- Accounting ledgers
- Unified messaging, ensuring that phone calls, emails and text messages are all easy to access
- Teleconferencing management, extending traditional secretarial phone duties into a vital element of business interactions
Secretarial Support Benefits From Efficient Office Space
In San Francisco, where space is at a premium, secretarial support must often encompass still more duties. A centralized locale is still necessary for any business, and a secretary is usually required in any situation. The more duties a secretary can take on, the less space is required for those duties, and the more other employees can focus on their jobs (or work outside of the office, saving still more office space). With workers sometimes telecommuting, or scattered in a number of directions on business trips, office support can ensure the logistical necessities of keeping them all in touch and on task. At Executive Suites in San Francisco, we provide secretarial support services for startup and downsizing businesses.