“…San Francisco Bay is one of the great natural harbors of the world, which established the city’s fortunes at a very early date..” Office space in San Francisco continues to be shaped by the city’s status as a major port.
San Francisco Bay is one of the great natural harbors of the world, which established the city’s fortunes at a very early date.
That tradition continues with more established forms of business–which depend on cities like San Francisco as major transportation hubs, modern industries bolstered by the city’s banking institutions and the presence of Silicon Valley just a short distance away.

San Diego Natural Features Make Office Space a Premium

Ironically, however, the very qualities that make San Francisco such an ideal port city can sometimes make it difficult to find reliable office space. The city’s peninsula is surrounded on three sides by water, putting space at a premium and raising prices through the roof. Space is less expensive further south and across the bay in cities like Oakland and Berkeley, but that places offices farther away from the heart of San Francisco’s business world as well as important locations like the airport and the downtown financial district.

Canny businesses often find ways to make efficient use of their office space. They allow employees to telecommute and employ phone-answering services to handle logistical business issues. Smaller office space allows them to focus on more pressing financial matters as well as remaining in closer proximity to San Francisco airport and similar locations. At Executive Suites San Diego, we provide executive office space, phone service and virtual office solutions in San Francisco.